AllCheapTotal.Com offers a service completely legal 100% guaranteed, our accounts are created so that every customer register an email and password are not stolen or shared accounts. Each account has a period of 30 days, if the customer requests renewal continue of service, you need pay again and you set the account as required.

All accounts are created with the required profile.


It can not be changed the billing, email and password system as it is internal company nor the type of account are created when you pay your bill, that is if I buy an account from 2 devices can not change it to 4 and 4 devices you can not change 2 this will be grounds for suspension of service without right to reimbursement, All accounts are the property of AllCheapTotal, We only offer the service.


There are no refunds after the account is delivered


Our payment system is exclusively by PayPal.


All accounts purchased are delivered after payment within a maximum period of 72 hours.


Tenemos cuentas para revendedores, pregunta por nuestras tarifas especiales a partir de 50 cuentas
Javier Arrieta

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